Articles Tagged With ‘California’

California to automatically register drivers to vote

California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law Saturday that will automatically register state residents to vote when they obtain or renew a driver’s license. [Mercury News] Assembly Bill 1461, which was authored by Democratic Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, contains... (Continue reading)

Gov. Jerry Brown Signs new marijuana legislation

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a trio of bills into law Friday that establish statewide rules on the growth, distribution and sale of marijuana. “This new structure will make sure patients have access to medical marijuana, while ensuring a robust tracking... (Continue reading)

California’s Economic Cooling Act

OPINION by SENATOR JOHN MOORLACH Senator John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa) issued the following statement Wednesday in response to the governor signing Senate Bill 350 (De León), the California “Economic Cooling” Act, at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles: “This law should... (Continue reading)

Assisted suicide legalized in California

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill that will legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. The End of Life Option Act will allow doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs to the terminally ill. In order to receive a lethal... (Continue reading)

Millions raised from Cal Fire fee going unspent

As fires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres in California this year, the state has kept millions of dollars raised from a controversial fee sitting in a fire prevention account. [Sac Bee] In June 2011, lawmakers approved legislation requiring... (Continue reading)

Last gun store in San Francisco to close

The last gun store remaining in San Francisco will close its doors on Halloween. High Bridge Arms has operated in San Francisco since 1952. Store manager Steve Alcairo said High Bridge Arms will close permanently on Oct. 31 due to... (Continue reading)

Should all illegal immigrants receive free health care?

Of California’s 58 counties, only 10, including San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties, do not provide undocumented juveniles state funded health coverage. In June, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a state budget that funds healthcare for such children. [LATimes] Polls... (Continue reading)

Sex ed to be mandatory in California high schools

California Gov.Jerry Brown signed a pair of bills Thursday that will require high school students in the state to take sex education courses and to learn that “yes means yes.” [Sac Bee] Most California school districts currently offer sexual education... (Continue reading)

California companies offer free marijuana to fire victims

Medical marijuana product companies and dispensaries are teaming up to offer free cannabis to patients affected by a destructive Northern California wildfire. [LA Times] Through Oct. 7, companies Care By Design and AbsoluteXtracts are offering free marijuana products up to... (Continue reading)

McCarthy in line to be speaker of the house

House Speaker John Boehner announced Friday that he is resigning, making Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Californian, the leading candidate to claim the most powerful job in Congress. [LA Times] McCarthy’s district includes Bakersfield and most of Kern and Tulare... (Continue reading)