Articles Tagged With ‘California’

California leads housing gain

A sharp drop in new defaults shows that California is recovering from the housing collapse faster than any other state, according to a report by a home-loan data specialist. That’s somewhat ironic, as California led the U.S. into the bust.... (Continue reading)

Spending soars on state ballot measures

The top 10 donors to California’s November ballot measures have already spent a total of more than $150 million on the various campaigns [California Watch]. Major donors include politically opposed siblings, a 91-year-old billionaire and a teachers union that has... (Continue reading)

Vote no on Proposition 36

OPINION By LESLIE HALLS Proposition 36 would revise the current Three Strikes law and would allow current convicted felons serving 25-life under Three Strikes to petition for a reduced sentence. The Three Strikes law was passed in 1994 and shortly... (Continue reading)

Recycling fraud running rampant in California

California instated the five cent recycling redemption law 25 years ago, and now fraudulent recycling is costing the state as much as $200 million a year. Last year, consumers purchased 8.5 billion recyclable cans in California while 8.3 billion cans... (Continue reading)

Governor Brown approves whistleblower protection, military reform

By LISA RIZZO The California Military Whistleblower Protection Act, prompted by an investigation at Camp San Luis Obispo into bonus and incentive fraud among the ranks of the California National Guard, was signed into law Friday. The military reform package,... (Continue reading)

Brown signs immigrant driver’s license bill

Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill on Sunday that will let as many as 350,000 undocumented immigrants qualify for California driver’s licenses. [LATimes] Those under 30-years-old who came to this country before they were 16-years-old, would qualify if they are... (Continue reading)

Farmers hear warning about global warming

California’s agricultural industry will be faced with making major amendments to farming methods and crop plantings as Earth’s climate continues its warming evolution. [San Francisco Chronicle] “Climate change is stacking the deck,” biologist Stuart Weiss said in an article prepared... (Continue reading)

City pensions worry Central Coast taxpayers

Sustainability of city finances has become a growing concern of late in California. Director or Research of the Davenport Institute at Pepperdine University Dr. Steven Frates spoke to San Luis Obispo property and business owners Wednesday on the state of... (Continue reading)

Redevelopment agency battle returns to court

The California law banning redevelopment agencies faces another challenge in court. The League of California Cities announced Monday that it filed a lawsuit in Sacramento County Superior Court against the state Department of Finance, Board on Equalization and Controller on... (Continue reading)

State’s economy remains mired

A declining rebound of California’s economy is being predicted by the UCLA Anderson Forecast, with fiscal situations on other continents given as the primary reason. (San Jose Mercury News) China’s economic tumble, Europe’s recession and the slow U.S. recovery have... (Continue reading)