Articles Tagged With ‘San Luis Obispo Police Department’

Report a SLO arsonist, win $1,000

With financial backing from Crime Stoppers, the San Luis Obispo Police Department is offering a reward of up to $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of a serial arsonist or arsonists. San Luis Obispo firefighters and... (Continue reading)

Man arrested for San Luis Obispo stabbing

San Luis Obispo police arrested a 27-year-old man for allegedly stabbing a man Saturday morning with a razor on Broad Street near Mission Plaza. At about 1:20 a.m., Shiloh Augustinec Ferreira allegedly began an argument with another male. Five friends... (Continue reading)

Finalist selected for SLO police chief job

San Luis Obispo City Manager Katie Lichtig has selected an assistant police chief in Mesa, Ariz. as the person to head the city’s police department. [Tribune] Deanna Cantrell, 45, beat out both of San Luis Obispo’s current police captains for... (Continue reading)

Officer arrested for DUI no longer with SLOPD

An officer arrested last month for driving under the influence of alcohol is no longer employed by the San Luis Obispo Police Department. Police cited personnel matters and did not release further details about Morris’s departure. [KSBY] Early in the... (Continue reading)

Man gets 23 years for sexual assault in SLO bathroom

A 49-year-old man received a 23-year prison sentence Monday for an incident in which he lured a developmentally disabled teen into a San Luis Obispo bathroom and attempted to rape her. [Tribune] Manuel Reyes Luevano faced charges of forced oral... (Continue reading)

Caregiver cops to stealing gold from elderly SLO couple

A former in-home caregiver accused of stealing nearly $50,000 worth of valuables from an elderly San Luis Obispo couple has pleaded no contest to the offense. [Tribune] Los Osos resident Gallagher Daniel Persson, 35, allegedly stole numerous gold and silver... (Continue reading)

Pedestrian hit by car in SLO

Within minutes of a fatal collision in Los Osos Tuesday night, an accident involving a car and a pedestrian also occurred in San Luis Obispo. [KSBY] At 8:42 p.m., a female driver collided with a man who was crossing Broad... (Continue reading)

Stabbing prompts Cal Poly to probe fraternity

Cal Poly officials are investigating a fraternity that held a party associated with a stabbing that occurred near the San Luis Obispo campus earlier this month. [KSBY] In the early morning of Sept. 18, Jay Hernandez, a 19-year-old Cuesta College... (Continue reading)

Cuesta student accused of post-frat party stabbings

San Luis Obispo police have identified a Cuesta College student as the man who allegedly stabbed a Cal Poly student and another Cuesta student following a fight at a fraternity party last week. Jay Hernandez, 19, allegedly attacked the two... (Continue reading)

Cal Poly, Cuesta students stabbed after frat party fight

One Cal Poly student and one Cuesta College student were stabbed early Friday morning in the aftermath of a fight at a fraternity party in San Luis Obispo. Both students suffered single stab wounds to their upper torsos, according to... (Continue reading)