One of two lawsuits seeking to have the Paso Robles water moratorium ordinance overturned will be decided by a judge in Santa Clara County. On Tuesday, Superior Court Judge Jac Crawford approved the out of county transfer requested by one... (Continue reading)
A motor home caught fire in Los Osos Tuesday afternoon, and the blaze spread to several surrounding structures and vehicles. The fire broke out at 1699 Sage Avenue around 1:52 p.m., according to CalFire. It spread to several structures described... (Continue reading)
A woman allegedly driving under the influence slammed into a car in Santa Barbara early Monday morning, killing three people and leaving a fourth in critical condition. [KEYT] At 12:46 a.m. Monday, 52-year-old Kimberly Kreis crashed her white Ford Mustang... (Continue reading)
Congresswoman Lois Capps met with federal, state and local law enforcement officials Monday to disuss warding off panga boat smuggling operations along the Central Coast. [KSBY] Law enforcement officials from San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties attended the... (Continue reading)
The California court system is considering a proposal to ban members of the Boy Scouts of America from serving as judges because the Boy Scouts discriminate against gays. [WNDWeekly] The California Supreme Court Advisory Committee on The Code of Judicial... (Continue reading)
Working with the FBI, police in San Luis Obispo County have determine the two suspects arrested Thursday for robbing an Atascadero bank also robbed banks in Arroyo Grande and Pismo Beach. Last week, George Jessie Gonzalez of Santa Maria robbed... (Continue reading)
The Atascadero City Council will consider Tuesday whether or not to put a sales tax increase on the November ballot. City staff has proposed placing a half cent sales tax measure on the ballot. The ballot initiative would call for... (Continue reading)
Atascadero police have identified the man and woman arrested for robbing Chase Bank on Thursday as George Jesie Gonzalez, of Santa Maria, and Tonya Michelle Young, of Paso Robles. Around 5:20 p.m. Thursday, a man walked into the Chase Bank... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police are investigating a sexual assault reported to have occurred Friday night at the Mustang Village apartment complex. A 21-year-old female was walking in the area of Mustang Village at approximately 10:17 p.m. Friday. A suspect approached... (Continue reading)
The parents of the woman fatally injured when a legislative aide for Rep. Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara struck her and then drove away filed a lawsuit against the driver Raymond Morua, Capps and the federal government. [KEYT] Morua, 32, left... (Continue reading)