Daily Briefs

Tim Donnelly pushing for referendum on vaccination law

Former California assemblyman Tim Donnelly is attempting to launch a statewide referendum on a mandatory vaccination law that Gov. Jerry Brown signed on Tuesday. [LA Times] The law will eliminate a provision that has allowed parents to cite personal or... (Continue reading)

DUI crash leaves Paso Robles man in critical condition

A 44-year-old Paso Robles man is in critical condition following an alleged DUI crash on Highway 1 in which  his car flipped and he was thrown from the vehicle. [Tribune] Charles Lee Boyd suffered lacerations, broken ribs, a collapsed lung... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay police find fleeing suspected felon

A Morro Bay man fled a home police were searching Wednesday morning, but he did not evade capture for long. Around 11:26 a.m. Morro Bay detectives and police officers served a warrant at a home in the 900 block of... (Continue reading)

Gas leak leads to evacuations in downtown SLO

A gas leak on the 800 block of Monterey Street in downtown San Luis Obispo led to business evacuations and a partial road closure Wednesday morning. At about 11 a.m., construction crews working on the Chinatown development project hit a... (Continue reading)

Grass fire at Topaz Solar Farm

A grass fire at the Topaz Solar Farm in San Luis Obispo County burned three acres on Wednesday afternoon, according to Cal Fire. Shortly after 2:30 p.m., Cal Fire responded to reports of a one acre grass fire that was... (Continue reading)

Are California cheerleaders denied minimum wage?

A bill awaiting California Governor Jerry Brown’s signature would require professional sports teams based in the state to pay cheerleaders at least minimum wage, as well as overtime and sick leave. [ABC News] Cheerleaders have filed lawsuits against several NFL... (Continue reading)

Santa Margarita man cops to child pornography charge

A Santa Margarita man and former high school teacher will serve jail time for a child pornography offense. [KSBY] Michael David Smith, 53, pleaded no contest Tuesday to one felony county of possession of child pornography. Smith previously faced an... (Continue reading)

California governor signs mandatory vaccination bill

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law that will require almost all schoolchildren in the state to be fully vaccinated, even if their parents object. [Mercury News] Senate Bill 277 eliminates a provision in California law that... (Continue reading)

Alleged Cuesta College data thief accused of spousal battery

Prosecutors allege a Cuesta College employee, who is accused of breaching the campus data system, also committed battery against her husband and participated in a drug operation with him. [Tribune] Lacey Fowler, 29, already faces a felony count of illegally... (Continue reading)

Fire burns 320 acres near Lompoc

A wildfire erupted in the hills near Lompoc on Monday and burned 320 acres. [KEYT] The fire broke out just before 1:30 p.m. in the Mission Hills area north of Lompoc. The blaze threatened the La Purisima Mission, but it... (Continue reading)