The Arroyo Grande City Council voted Tuesday to launch an independent investigation into allegations of misconduct raised by members of the public against Mayor Jim Hill. Political opponents of Hill have pushed hard in recent weeks for an investigation. Certain... (Continue reading)
OPINION by GORDON MULLIN Defeat of Measure J puts transportation projects at risk, a front page editorial by the Tribune’s own Stephanie Finucane, reminded me why I voted no on this tax measure last November. We were looking for money in... (Continue reading)
A Santa Maria woman’s Valentine’s Day concluded with a trip to the hospital for multiple stab wounds and lacerations to her head, face and neck, according to the city’s police department. Mariano Elias Cordonas, 37, allegedly stabbed his wife repeatedly,... (Continue reading)
After hiring a consulting firm that contacted more than 1,000 candidates nationwide, the California Coastal Commission voted unanimously last week to hire its interim chief as its new executive director. Jack Ainsworth has worked for the commission for 29 years,... (Continue reading)
United States wine exports generated a record $1.62 billion in revenue for wineries in 2016. Ninety of the country’s wine exports came from California, according to the Wine Institute, a California wine industry advocacy group. The value of American wine... (Continue reading)
Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s shot and killed a 26-year-old man who “advanced” on them with a knife. The shooting culminated a more than three-hour manhunt in which Bryan Carreno was reportedly hallucinating and running in and out of houses. Sheriff’s... (Continue reading)
At least two complaints have been lodged against the City of San Luis Obispo after the fire chief and city manage participated in creating a video that sexually objectifies firefighters. The video, shown at the annual SLO Chamber of Commerce... (Continue reading)
Santa Barbara-based criminal defense attorney Darryl Genis was sentenced today to 24 months in federal prison for willfully failing to file tax returns for several years and failing to pay a total of $679,958 in income tax to the Internal... (Continue reading)
A Santa Barbara County manhunt reportedly ended Sunday night with a sheriff’s deputy shooting the suspect inside a home in rural Santa Barbara. The county sheriff’s office is currently refusing to release any details about the shooting or the suspect’s... (Continue reading)
More than 180,000 Northern California residents received evacuation orders Sunday over fears that the emergency spillway at the Oroville Dam will fail and possibly cause massive flooding. [Oroville MR] The Oroville Dam, which is 770 feet high, is the tallest... (Continue reading)