OPINION of STEW JENKINS The day after the San Luis Obispo City Council gave Broad and Chorro Street residents the middle finger replacing their parking and auto access with a “bicycle boulevard,” the First District Court of Appeal gave voters... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo’s city staff is recommending that SLO allow up to three brick and mortar marijuana dispensaries under new pot regulations that are currently being drafted. [Cal Coast Times] If the regulations are passed, the city of SLO could... (Continue reading)
Jay Asher Amid a wave of swirling sexual harassment controversies gaining attention as part of the Me Too movement, best-selling author Jay Asher, a resident of San Luis Obispo, was ousted from a prominent writers’ organization. [Cal Coast Times]... (Continue reading)
After student activists and local media teed off on a conservative political commentator invited to participate in a panel discussion on fake news, Cal Poly’s College Democrats announced they are pulling out of the event. A couple of the panelists... (Continue reading)
With two major housing developments currently in the works in San Luis Obispo, plans for a new high-density residential development with compact living quarters are expected to go before the city’s Architectural Review Commission next week. Initial plans call for... (Continue reading)
OPINION by T. KEITH GURNEE Open letter to Mayor Heidi Harmon and members of the San Luis Obispo City Council: As long-time residents of what has been one of the nicest neighborhoods in our community—the Anholm neighborhood—we are beseeching you... (Continue reading)
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested three illegal immigrants on various charges in San Luis Obispo Wednesday morning. [Cal Coast Times] The suspects were reportedly living on Johnson Avenue near French Medical Center. ICE agents conducted a series of... (Continue reading)
San Luis Obispo police are searching for a prowler or prowlers who have been spotted several times outside victims windows at night and have even reached inside and touched individuals while they were asleep. Over the last two weeks, police... (Continue reading)
As requested by outgoing City Manager Katie Lichtig, the San Luis Obispo City Council has selected Lichtig’s second-in-command to be the city’s next top executive. On Wednesday, the council unanimously directed that contract negotiations begin with Johnson for the city... (Continue reading)
A Lompoc man allegedly picked up a woman off Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo early Monday morning by naming two of her friends and telling the victim that they had asked him to take her to a friend’s house.... (Continue reading)