Daily Briefs

Tribune publisher Ray seeks new pastures

By DANIEL BLACKBURN Tribune president and publisher Bruce G. Ray has resigned effective Feb. 27, Executive Editor Sandy Duerr announced Saturday in a front-page story. The resignation comes as stocks in the Tribune’s parent corporation, the McClatchy Company, have plummeted... (Continue reading)

Possibly suicidal man hit by train in Santa Barbara

A Santa Barbara man suffered a non-fatal blow from an Amtrak train in Santa Barbara on Sunday afternoon in an incident that authorities are investigating as a possible attempted suicide. Witnesses said that the man was standing on the railroad... (Continue reading)

IRS to pay refunds to illegal immigrants

Non-taxpaying illegal immigrants will be eligible to receive tax refunds once they receive Social Security numbers, the IRS chief told Congress last week. [Washington Times] As many as 4 million illegal immigrants may now receive work permits and Social Security... (Continue reading)

California cops break up live sex show

A pair of strangers embarked on a sexual escapade in Southern California last week that provided a live sex show to teenage shoppers. [ABC 10] A 20-year-old man and a 37-year-old woman met on a trolley and did not even... (Continue reading)

Atascadero hash lab blows while toddler home

A 1-year-old child came away uninjured from a fire caused by a hash oil lab explosion in an Atascadero home. The toddler is now in the custody of San Luis Obispo County Child Welfare Services, and the child’s father is... (Continue reading)

Steve Adams files claim against Arroyo Grande

By KAREN VELIE Less than a month after the Arroyo Grande City Council agreed to pay former city manager Steve Adams a $71,000 settlement, Adams filed a claim of involuntary separation with the city’s insurance carrier. If the California Joint... (Continue reading)

Templeton woman accused of dealing meth out of her car

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff deputies arrested a Templeton woman Thursday for allegedly dealing methamphetamine from a car she parked in front of the Tree Man Nursery on Ramada Drive. At about 1:30 p.m., deputies received a report that a... (Continue reading)

Can your doctor help you die in California?

A group of cancer patients and doctors are suing the state of California, demanding that terminally ill people be allowed to obtain prescription drugs that will speed up their death if they find their suffering unbearable. [LA Times] California law... (Continue reading)

Board of Supervisors to rule on Santa Margarita quarry

By JOSH FRIEDMAN The San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors will choose whether or not to let two Santa Margarita residents construct a rock quarry on the outskirts of their town. Project applicants Mike Cole and Steve Souza are... (Continue reading)

NRC tags PG&E with Diablo Canyon safety breach

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a violation, but no fine, to Pacific Gas & Electric for maintaining a faulty warning system for a potential radioactive emergency at Diablo Canyon Power Plant. In 2005, PG&E removed a section of its... (Continue reading)