Uncovered SLO

Gibson inches farther ahead of Jones, latest SLO County election news

By KAREN VELIE Supervisor Bruce Gibson inched further ahead of Dr, Bruce Jones in the San Luis Obispo County District 2 supervisor race, with other races remaining primarily unchanged, according to election results released Friday. At stake is control over... (Continue reading)

Why do officials want San Simeon residents to pay for alleged misdeeds?

By KAREN VELIE The San Simeon Community Services District Board of Directors is again considering having residents cover $167,773 for the general manager’s legal bills, which are related to alleged conflicts of interest and mismanagement. The board is also considering... (Continue reading)

Voters report alleged misconduct by poll workers in San Luis Obispo

By KAREN VELIE After poll workers at multiple polling places in San Luis Obispo County refused to provide ballots to voters, several voters contacted both the SLO County Clerk Recorder and the FBI regarding the workers’ failures to follow election... (Continue reading)

Morro Bay’s mayor accused of conflict of interest over donation

By KAREN VELIE Amid negotiations over a controversial project, Morro Bay Mayor John Headding garnered a $2,000 donation from one of the parties, an action that prompted critics to accuse the mayor of having a conflict of interest. Incumbent Mayor... (Continue reading)

Prosecutors appeal Tianna Arata case to state Supreme Court

By KAREN VELIE Prosecutors filed a petition for review with the state Supreme Court on Friday asking the justices to hear a case involving an Appellate Court opinion that San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow’s personal political opinions... (Continue reading)

Meet the donors fighting for control of the SLO County Board of Supervisors

By KAREN VELIE With a week left until election day, those with special interests and partisan objectives have donated nearly $1 million to the two candidates dueling for control of the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors. The stakes... (Continue reading)

Anonymous attack ads target Pismo Beach City Council candidate

By KAREN VELIE Two anonymous attack ads targeting Pismo Beach Councilwoman Mary Ann Reiss were recently mailed to voters without the required disclosures in an apparent violation of the law. The first flyer, sent Oct. 13, chastises Reiss for voting... (Continue reading)

Eleven percent of SLO County ballots returned, who is voting early?

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Obispo County voters appear to be taking their time in returning their mid-term election ballots, with slightly more than 11% returned as of Thursday, according to numbers from a state source as the SLO County... (Continue reading)

Plunging school tests scores in SLO County, compare local school districts

By KAREN VELIE Test scores for students in San Luis Obispo County and throughout the nation plunged during the coronavirus pandemic, demonstrating the impact lockdowns had on learning, according to data California’s Education Department recently released. The percentage of children... (Continue reading)

Why would Dan Dow donate $25,000 to oppose Bruce Gibson?

By KAREN VELIE Clarification: Dan Dow donated $25,000 from his Dan Dow for District Attorney 2022 campaign account. The gloves are off in San Luis Obispo County’s District 2 supervisor race. Negative Bruce Gibson ads are flooding the airways and... (Continue reading)